1 min readApr 6, 2021



Well, that definitely defines me I am the one who is weak. Weak in every aspects of life. Weak to be brave, weak to love or be loved, weak to confessed weak to be free and weak to committee.

This is me what will be of you when you are mentally and physically weak. Most dangerous type of weakness is mentally weak don’t get me wrong those who are totally weak on mental are the most brave ones but those who are having type of illness but really not an illness are the weak ones. Those shitting about them self are weak ones. But they will never shit about other because they know they are brave and those people are truly struggling with life. Last thing last weak will always be weak somehow they will never be better a little part will always be weak in them.

So that’s why I gave up everything and became weak a coward always and never wanna be brave ever in my life. So if you see be being brave then think there is something wrong with me. Or maybe I am simply intoxicated.

